Spiritual Education and Holistic Wellbeing Services

New Earth Sanctuary provides a professional and comprehensive service. We offer consultancy assistance and take a totally holistic approach to our work - we look at the ‘whole’ of the person to assist you in achieving a well-balanced Mind, Body and Spirit. You will receive much needed support in order for you to reach the next stage of your potential.

We provide a range of treatments, therapies, courses, workshops, seminars and classes to help you develop and heal yourself in order for you to create a more peaceful, more meaningful life.

We have a selection of complementary and alternative treatments, from Reiki Healing to Indian Head Massage and Hopi Ear Candles - therapeutic treatments to calm, soothe and heal your body. Our self-development approaches enable you as an individual (or as a group) to reach a new level of confidence and belief, whilst showing you how to appreciate your uniqueness, and understand how to tap into and use your personal power wisely. Our educational courses, workshops and classes uplift your spirit and ensure you leave feeling fab! Once you start to realise Your True Self then you experience True Freedom and Immense Joy. We look forward to making that journey with you!

Golden Scroll

How We Came To Be

The concept of New Earth Sanctuary came about because of a series of life-changing visions and meditations experienced by Tracey. During these wonderfully Divine insights, she was shown a world that could exist; things that would get us there and what we would experience as a whole. In addition, she was given the feelings people would feel across the globe during this period. She was also shown that there were many others around the world helping to create this world in their own unique ways and that they are (and will be) helped in ways both seen and unseen. This confirmed to her that we are now at a crucial stage in our evolution and humanity is evolving at an advanced rate, with many many people are desiring change on individual, local and global levels.

These powerful and meaningful insights inspired the creation of a place, a sanctuary if you will, where people can feel the energies of such love, light and compassion. And so, New Earth Sanctuary was born. Together Tracey, Sally and their dear friend Angela put their hearts and creativity into developing such a place. A place where they could do their most important life’s work - to live, breathe and work the principles of love, compassion, altruism, unity, acceptance and Universal Consciousness to the planet.

This is happening and taking shape before our very eyes. There is more going on under the surface of what appears and what you see on the media who often depicts negativity and darkness. Believe us when we say that beneath the shadowy world that is portrayed and unsettling events that are happening in the world, many are creating beautiful light to counter the darkness. And in truth, not all darkness and negativity is ‘bad’ – that is an anomaly. If we allow it, the shadow side of life can help us to bring in and release the light within ourselves.

Remember… when the light is switched on in the room, darkness ceases to exist.

We are all on a blessed journey and there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to go about it. The trick to us achieving our goals and creating a world we wish to see is to find our own inner contentment as we walk this path, enjoying the Now and savouring the seemingly small but beautiful moments that are life’s miracles, for there are many. 😊

[From Sanskrit, it means ‘I bow to you’… ‘The Divine Light in me/That I Am,
Honours and Respects the Divine Light in you/That you are’.]

Contact Us

Telephone: +44 01443 710517
E-mail: newearthsanctuaryinfo@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NEW-EARTH-SANCTUARY-266241414413

Special Thanks

Are given to Web Designer Helen Vaughan-Jones and Web Manager Jack Harris for their ongoing support in the creation and management of this website.