Picture of Tracey Moseley

Hello, my name is Tracey and I am the Founder of New Earth Sanctuary.

As described above, the seeds of New Earth Sanctuary began following a series of Visions that I experienced, starting in 2005. The very first ‘vision’ I experienced was mind-blowing and ultimately life-changing. It was what I would describe as a Divine or Holy Experience. It moved me beyond belief and I knew I would never be the same. This event became one of many that would enhance my understanding and grasp of ‘The Way’/life’s ‘spiritual’ path. I finally understood what it was that I came here to do. It brought all of my experiences and knowledge, my thoughts and feelings about Life, our wonderful planet, The Cosmos, and The Creator [The Creative Energy & Consciousness which is the Source of All Things]. It all came together, like a beautiful jigsaw, a tapestry unfolding in magnificent splendour.

I was shown that I wasn’t alone. There were other people around the world who were doing the same – they too were having visions and using their skills, their knowledge, their light and their love, to bring peace and harmony to the Earth. This was a relief to me because I had felt alone in my thoughts and feelings of how the world should be for a long time. (This was how I had been feeling before the internet by the way, so I was unaware of other people who were feeling the same.)

I knew that there would be a time when I would be bringing what was within me ‘outside of me’ into the world, so to speak, so that we could link those who felt like me and work together to create a New Earth – one of peace, harmony and collaboration. A rebuilding if you like, a joint venture of Souls who had complete respect and love for all beings.

I knew this energy and these like-minded souls, were passively, gently and lovingly using their skills and exercising their power in order to change the world. What an immense feeling it was! And such power we had too! If only we realised. We had no idea! What wisdom we have… and oh, power used in the correct way, for the good of all! How refreshing!

All this, combined with an immense amount of knowledge, applied with Divine Grace. How wonderful we are!

Wow! What a scenario! This could be real I asked? Really?

“Really”… “It is so.” I was told, “You will do this too.”

And so, this brings us to this moment…

We are on the cusp of change…

We are the ones we have been waiting for!

And we are the ones ‘Being the Change that we wish to see in the World’.

Are you joining us?

It’s a journey that begins with one small step.

Start in your own way, in your own time.

Thanking you for all you do and all that you are!

Tracey New Earth Sanctuary [N.E.S.]

With extra special thanks to my immediate family – my wonderful sister, my beautiful daughter, my exceptional nephew and my loving and amazing parents for their support and the sharing of our goals. With love to my wonderful cousins, past and present, for all your support and encouragement. And finally, to our very dear and sacred friends, our soulmate family, Angela, Jan, Jeremy, Dawn, Michelle and Helen.

You are loved and appreciated so much! Bless you all! Xxx

“Tracey is a visionary who sees how we can create an alternative earth, one that when working together as ONE with other like-minded souls, we will create a New Era of peace. Both Sally and Tracey, alongside a wonderful crew of amazing friends, colleagues and relatives, are united in their dedication to this mission.”
~ Angela Evans