New Earth Sanctuary Respects All Life

New Earth Sanctuary respects all life. We honour all souls. We recognise and respect the Divine Being within each and every person and every living creature upon the Earth. We acknowledge our beautiful planet Earth (also known as Gaia, Terra) as a living breathing Divine entity. We understand that we all are connected as ONE consciousness. When this understanding is realised and we work together, we can create a New Era of peace, consideration, caring and altruism that accepts, and indeed celebrates, the diversity of our magnificent world.

Our ethos is based in acceptance and tolerance of all. We are respectful to all people, regardless of background, religion, sexuality, race, culture, nationality, gender or age. We encourage freedom so that all are free to express themselves with kindness and explore their sacred selves in their own ways.

We empower people by giving them the necessary tools so that they become adept at making their own decisions and finding their own answers by tapping into their inner wisdom, thus enabling them to see things from a different perspective.

This changing worldview not only helps to create more conscious individuals with greater satisfaction in their personal lives, but their knowledge, combined with intention, ripples out exponentially, across our community, our country and the world at large.

Our mission is to live these principles and demonstrate this way of being - a way of intentionally living and experiencing principles of Collaboration, Compassion and Consciousness in our everyday lives. In short, we are working to assist humanity through a growth in conscious awareness.

We hold our hands out to each other in these times of great change and world transformation by ‘Being The Change We Wish To See In The World’.

‘The Highest Thought is always that which contains JOY.

The Clearest Words are those words which contain TRUTH.

The Grandest Feeling is that feeling which you call LOVE’.

~ Neale Donald Walsch

New Earth Sanctuary Logo

Special mention and acknowledgement to Neale Donald Walsch for his inspirational work which was the beginning of an awakening and catalyst for the creation of New Earth Sanctuary, Mohandas ‘Mahatma’ Gandhi, whose life and example gave us our ‘You Must Be the Change you Wish to See in the World’ quote as a motto that we stand by.

To the Masters, Saints and Sages of old, whose truths and original unchanged words have influenced human history for thousands of years - and whose words are more relevant today than ever. Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, Jesus [The Christ], The Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Kong Qiu [Master] Confucius, Lao-tzu, Krishna Dvaipayana, St Francis and many more.

To other iconic modern day figures, past and present, who have demonstrated/are demonstrating and teaching our most valued principles, ways of being and sharing their wisdom and knowledge with us all - Thich Nhat Hanh, Padre Pio, Paramahansa Yogananda, Dr Wayne Dyer, Dr Carl Jung, Marianne Williamson, Dr Martin Luther King, Dr John Hagelin, Rev Michael Beckwith, Dr Michio Kaku, Dr Brian Weiss and all the other avatars, authors, guides, visionaries and messengers – the wondrous Souls who have played a huge part in helping us develop and move this Vision into Being. You inspire us and we honour your words and your work, and applaud your dedication to your life’s path.

Blessings to all who visit this site. May your path be enlightened and your love spread far and wide.